Charge – luxury electric cars
↗ website
↑ The main product of the brand is a luxury electric car
Charge cars is a luxury electric vehicles brand. I was tasked with creating a new visual language for the brand, that came out of my deep fascination with physics.
↑ In a painting workshop
↑ feynman diagrams as the core metaphor
The core metaphor comes from Feynman Diagrams – a way of representing complex particle interactions in a graphic way.
↑ brandbook pages
↑ interior
↑ car details
↑ brandbook pages
↑ Logo, etched on a detail
The company went through several levels of rebranding and fine tuning – but the core idea of the brand remained the same since 2014, to me it's a sign of a very good solution found at the very beginning of the project.
↑ Logo, etched on a detail